L:TEC - Make power in more places

Reduce or eliminate the need for grading, saving on construction costs, and minimize your carbon footprint.

Built with the industry's most comprehensive range of terrain flexibility, L:TEC has created opportunities in previously unsuitable terrain with independent row architecture, universal torque joints, adjustable foundations, and the longest tracker on the market.

We understand what developers face when it comes to building on uneven terrain. Earthworks are a significant expense when planning a project, and we've developed the industry-leading innovations that make L:TEC the standard in terrain following. Our engineers use detailed 3D maps of project site geography to create a tailored project design, including elevation changes that the trackers will overcome. Our tracker technology, design process, and globally installed base are the track record that makes IDEEMATEC the premiere global tracker supplier.

How do we do it?

Independent Row Control

We developed L:TEC as an independent row architecture system. Since each row is entirely separate, solar farms can be built on hillsides at up to a 36% grade without the concern of shading at any point during the day. Combining our adjustable foundations, patented cardan joints, and 3D adaptive backtracking means you'll make peak power in more places.

Patented Terrain Following Solutions

The universal torque joint is a patented development and is one of the core components in L:TEC's ability to adapt to challenging terrain. It is connected directly to the tracker drive tube between tracker tables and can drive up to 260 meters of tracker in up to 36% North-South grade changes.

Adaptable Foundations

Depending on their configuration, L:TEC tracker array heights reach up to 2.6 meters. This industry-leading array height means the tracker can be placed on uneven terrain, maintaining the desired array height while protecting the drivetrain.

Find out more about the L:TEC 1P

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Find out more about L:TEC 2P

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