Pro Build Supervisor

Powerful software for advanced trackers

Utilizing our purpose built Pro Build Supervisor software our on-site teams carry out commissioning operations which verify tracker system operation, including testing tracker position verification, weather station testing, severe weather flat stow testing, backtracking algorithm testing and adjustments, and system-wide internal communications testing and verification.

This incredibly powerful software is the key to the operational efficiency of any Ideematec L:TEC solar plant. Pro Build Supervisor is designed to provide the highest degree of granular control over each tracker on a project. Providing on-site and remote alerts for potential issues, communications between trackers and their supervisory controller, and unprecedented security in tracker protection during severe weather and winds.

Experience the power, simplicity, and security of the Pro Build Supervisor system on your next project.

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Pro Build Supervisor Facts:

  • 1 TCU (Tracker Control Unit) per tracker for maintenance friendly near field communication
  • 1 CCU (Cluster Control Unit) for 144 trackers
  • Centralized monitoring and control portal
  • Fully remote or on-site commissioning
  • Incredibly powerful algorithm driven backtrack control

See our 3D Custom Designer software in action

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